We had a late start this morning. We found that we were starving and walked to the town square to find something to eat. They had amazing food carts selling sausages, ham and a potato dish. We bought more than we could eat because we were starving and then found out that that they charged by the weight instead of having set prices. Needless to say it was a very expensive brunch!

Prague is known for its astronomical clock. It is over 600 years old and is the last one in the world that is still operating on its original parts. If anyone knows me they know I have a thing for clocks so I was especially excited to come here and see it! I assumed we would come across it last night while we were wandering around but never did. Sure enough, it was like 200 yards from where we were sitting yesterday and we totally just missed it. We fell upon it today and were in awe of its beauty. You’ll notice the latest Czech married couple in the lower right; the wedding parties came out of the church that the clock tower is attached to. Cat let us know that she didn’t want to have a big wedding but instead wanted to have a destination wedding here. (#Proudmom)

We also climbed up to the top of the tower to the lookout. Such amazing views!

From there we wandered into a back alley and found a Buddhist monastery.

The Hari Krishnas were parading through the square yesterday which was also an interesting conversation to explain to Cat.

We kept wandering and discovered a hole in the wall coffee shop that we ducked into to recaffinate for the day. You know it’s a good coffee when the stick stands up!

I was really wanting to do a Segway tour on this trip. In the Czech Republic there is no age limit to do the tours and I totally thought Cat could do it. Our neighbor was a Segway Tour Guide in Old Town Scottsdale and let us know that it was the same concept as skiing. Cat is a great skier so I figured she would be fine.

We talked to a family on the street who’s kid was on a Segway and they confirmed it was really easy as well.
(I will note that H was completely against this from the getgo. )

The basics in riding a Segway is to lean forward to go faster and lean back to slow down. While we were walking around,  one of the guides approached us and asked if we were interested in a tour.  I asked if she could teach Cat how to do it which she promptly agreed. Initially, Cat did great but then forgot how to slow down and kept leaning forward. Unfortunately, no one could keep up with her since she was accelerating so fast. She ended with a minor face plant and a few scratches. We all agreed we would wait and try again in a few years. Personally, I still think she could do it…we would just need to help her better understand how to stop.

Thunder, lightning, and rain visited on and off for the rest of the afternoon so we alternated from sitting and drinking at restaurants to shopping in various markets. We found a great vendor inside the local grocery store, picked up dinner and called it an early evening!

Random pics for the day