Sharing Kindness Rocks along our many adventures!

England Day 7 ~ London with Howard

H joined us for a day in London before he flew home and we headed North to visit family. It was so good to see him and so great to have our traveling trio back together again!

As soon as he got there, we hopped on the Underground to start the days adventure.

There was a cool emblem on the wall behind them in the picture above that I later looked up. The Metropolitan Railway was the first underground railway which helped more people commute into London and allowed people to move out of the city center. 9 million people rode it the first year it was open. The Metropolitan Railway merged with a few other companies in 1933 and the name was quickly dropped but has continually developed into the Underground that we know today.

When we got to Kings Cross station we saw this gentleman walking around with a hawk. The hawk flew around the station in order to deter pigeons from coming into the station. The hawk was definitely earning his keep as we didn’t see a single pigeon while we were there. It was ironic that he did get very nervous around dogs in the station…. Even ones that were smaller than him. We we’re assured that he gets fed well before his shift in order to avoid other animals becoming it’s lunch or dinner.

After a bit of walking around we had a great pub lunch and a pint.

From there we took the Underground to Trafalgar Square.

The weather was wet and cold but we still managed to have a good time.

We decided to warm up and grab a coffee. While crossing the street, we came across this pedestrian. Crossing which I love!

We we’re in the busiest of coffee shops and Cat and I giggled as we watched H actually fall asleep while we were sitting there. Jet lag has been a challenge this trip!

The rain was relentless so we headed over to Covent Garden for some shopping. It was fun to browse but dodnt find anything we couldn’t live without so we decided to have Afternoon Tea to warm ourselves up. We stopped at the B Bakery and it was perfect! Cute atmosphere, great desserts, very affordable and most importantly out of the rain.

Once we we’re finished, we took a cab to Piccadilly Circus. It doesnt compare to Times Square but was still fun to see.

By this time we were cold and very wet so we decided to head home and warm up since we all had big travel to do the next day.


England Days 5 & 6


Easter Weekend in Cumbria by Caitlyn Gill

1 Comment

  1. Diane Tonda

    I love to see your blogs!!! What a fun time you all are having. Hooray!!!! Lots of love, Aunt Diane and Uncle russ

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