Hi everyone! For Easter weekend I went to my grandparents house. We got there late on Saturday and had dinner straight away.

My least favorite part of the weekend was the temperature, it was so cold my mom got nauseous. My favorite part was Easter Sunday because I got a giant chocolate egg with Ferrari Roches in it. Also, I got to have dinner with my family. After we ate, we played with confetti eggs and I got my Uncle Mike really good.

The next day, my grandma, my mom and I went to 2 amazing stone circles like Stonehenge but better. They were better because they were older, I could touch them, and each rock had specific names. There also weren’t a lot of people there.

My favorite part of the day was going to Beatrice Potter’s summer home. She was the author of Peter Rabbit. We met some fun people while we were there, the cafe was amazing and I could imagine where she got her ideas for her stories.

We saw her garden.

…and I could imagine the rabbits playing by these trees.

There were also tons of knobby trees!

After we left there, I got to see my dad’s boarding school and where he took his classes.

That night we had another family dinner and we ate a curry. My cousin and I played a lot of games like Pie Face and Just Dance. My favorite part of the night was when their dog Rigby played Pie Face with us.