Miles: 18.53 / Steps: 40,571
Todays selfie!
Despite a horrible night of sleep (so hot, lots of snorers, no base sheet and top bunk struggles) I started the day in a really good place. I took care of my feet and packed up and was out the door at 6:30.

Nikki, Ferenc and I met for breakfast and I had a delicious freshly squeezed orange juice. Before we were about to leave, I realized I couldn’t find my Credential (Passport for the Camino that gets stamped one to two times per day to prove you have been on the Camino. ) I went back to the hostel and looked everywhere for it but couldn’t find it. It’s such a bummer to lose the first 5 days of stamps but I figured I would just get a new one in Estella, tonight’s stop.

It was a gorgeous day. The temperature was cool and I enjoyed walking with Ferenc and Nikki. My feet were bandaged but they still were hurting a bit. I figured I would just plough through but it wasn’t enjoyable.

There were 3 big hills today but nothing as bad as the first two days. Nikki is a beast on the uphills so she always gets in her rhythm and waits for us at the top. I am slow and steady. I will always get there but it just takes me longer.

Random pictures from today:

My blisters on my feet were very painful today. Aside from my pinky toe, the others had sorted themselves out. My right foot wasn’t faring so well. It got to the point where I couldn’t stop because starting up again hurt even worse. I was really in my head with the pain today and had to tell myself to just push thru. I walked the last 7 miles without stopping at all except to quickly take the clown pictures. (My gift to you!)

We arrived to the Agora Hostel around 12:45pm and relaxed for a bit. My bed situation tonight is much better than last night! This place is actually great! And I have a cotton sheet as well! I am in the top bunk again but it was really nice!

I worked on my blisters a bit and then decided to stay in this town an extra night to have a doctor look at them.
I also called my hostel from last night who called my new best friend Isabel, the masseuse from last night, and found my Credential had fallen out of my bag there!! In my heart, I knew I would find it and didn’t really stress about it. I’m so happy! It is getting delivered to the hostel tomorrow. So many people were involved in helping me get it back and I am just so grateful!
Nikki, Ferenc and I said our goodbyes after dinner since I will be staying the extra night. I hope to sync up with Nikki again in Burgos. Let’s hope all goes as planned!

Estella is very beautiful. A few pictures from our walk home.

My personal favorite ….Luck is to have a clean neighborhood.
Theresa Singh-Janklow
I’m so glad the doctor helped you! I hope a day of resting helps! Enjoying your posts and we are cheering you on from Northern CA! xo
I’m so glad the doctor helped you! I hope a day of resting helps! Enjoying your posts and we are cheering you on from Northern CA! xo
I hope your blisters start healing! Hang in there!