Sharing Kindness Rocks along our many adventures!

Day 38: Amenal to Santiago de Compostela

Miles: 16.43/Steps 35,976

Morning selfie at 5:30am in the pouring rain!

Morning Selfie with Savina
It was dark and wet at 5:30am. I was really happy to have my headtorch. Because it was raining so much, there are several streams down the middle of the path that we would never have been able to maneuver through in the dark.
Savina looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame with her poncho and pack. It rained the entire walk into Santiago.
There have been so many snails on the path. So many, that I have seen locals picking them up off the ground to cook!
Daytime selfie on my last day!
We made it to Santiago de Compostela! Only 2 miles to go to get to the Cathedral and H and Cat.
One of our favorite breakfasts on the Camino is Napolitano’s (chocolate croissants) and fresh orange juice. There were no open bars in the morning and we settled for a place with horrible OJ and a horrible muffin at the 5th mile. Even though we were close to the finish, we decided we needed one last good breakfast and found a cute aesthetic bar with amazing Napolitano’s! In hindsight I am not sure if we were really hungry or we just didn’t wan the Camino to end.
We finished breakfast and started walking our last few steps. It felt like forever until we could see the cathedral in the distance but I totally choked up when I saw it!
I made it!
Howard and Cat were there when I finished the walk. I cried when I saw them! It was so good to hug both of them. We’ve been apart for 40 days. At times it felt like an eternity and I ached for them. At other times it felt like time had stood still and we weren’t apart for that long. I am a lucky wife and mom and can never express how much I appreciated their blessing for this walk.
We started this together and we ended it together!!! It was a perfect ending.
Nikki and several of my friends were also there to greet us!
The bagpiper plays as people walk in. He was on break when I walked thru but I could hear him while we were taking pictures.
We went to the 12noon pilgrim mass and then we to check into our hotel and change into dry clothes. Unfortunately they didn’t swing the butofumero at that mass so plan on going tomorrow with hopes they swig it.

I went to the Pilgrim’s Office to get my final stamp and my Compostela. They wrote my name in Latin, “Nicolaidem Gill” on the certificate and handed it over. I had pre-registered last night.It was such an efficient and easy process and only took about 15 minutes. It was the official end to an amazing journey.

Since I had lived in Santiago de Compostela before, I definitely remembered some of our favorite bars. I got the word out for people to go to “Pub Momo” at 7pm on June 7th. (The day I arrived). Well….if you know me….you know I can be a bit extra. Word got out and whispers of the party circulated to everyone who was on the Camino. People started telling me that there was going to be a party at Pub Momo! It was hilarious! About 100 people showed up! I recognized/knew about 75 of them! It made me so happy to have everyone there, be able to introduce H and Cat to everyone and properly say goodbye to everyone and have closure on the walk.

Although I did warn them, the bar didn’t believe we would have 100 people show up so they were a bit short staffed but we made the best of it!

Roommates from the first night.
Orlando my roommate and walking mate!
Paul my roommate from the second night.
My core gang!
We finished the night walking past the cathedral to our hotel. It was stunning with its lighting!

It was an amazing day and the close to an amazing chapter. I couldn’t be prouder of myself for walking the entire Camino. No taxis, no buses. Just me. There were physical challenges and mental challenges and I did it!

I met people who will be life friends, I heard stories and talked to people I would never have had the chance to meet in any other circumstances. We had a cohesive and caring tribe by the end. Everyone came from different backgrounds and everyone had their reasons for walking. That said, we were all very similar. We was all there for a life experience, we all persevered through something very hard and we all supported each other during hard times and laughed through the good ones together.

As I close this chapter, I couldn’t be more excited to start the next chapter…. The “Gill 2023 Spanish Road-trip” with my 2 favorite travel partners! We will explore Santiago/Galicia for 2 days and show Caitlyn where we lived and then explore Spain for 2 weeks. Let the adventures carry on!

Over the last 37 days on the Camino I walked 614 miles and took 1,346,280 steps! I have met more people than I can count and have endless memories that I will hold near to my heart forever.


Spoiler Alert: I made it! (More details to come tomorrow.)


Day 1: 2023 Gill Family Spanish Road-trip!! (Santiago de Compostela)


  1. Megan Cash

    Reunited and it feels so gooooood!! Yay, How and Cat made it and I loved the happy ending! Now to make a second career out of being a Camino Coordinator! Love you and beyond proud of you!!!

  2. Kristina

    So proud and so happy for you! I knew you would make it! What an amazing adventure, and thank you so much for sharing with us. You are a true inspiration Nicole! Viva!

  3. Eone Beck

    You are a rockstar. You made it look easy – and I am absolutely positive that it is not. I am a hopeful pilgrim – anticipating a 2024 or 2025 first Camino. I learned so much from following your journey and looked forward to your entries every single day. You were being cheered on from Richmond, Virginia and if you are ever in my neck of the woods, you have a free place to stay and hot coffee and breakfast! Keep it up – but take a break and rest in the fact that you conquered the Camino. Well done, Sister. Eone

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