Miles 17.84 Steps: 39,054

Todays selfie.

Pictures with the Sarria sign as I walked out of town. To give you some back history, Sarria serves as the starting point for the last 100km of the Camino de Santiago. 100km is required to get your Compostela which is essentially your participation ribbon for doing the walk although about half of the people start earlier on the Camino and about 30% of people start in Saint Jean Pied de Port, France which is where I started. With that in mind, there are so many new people on the trail. Lots of Spaniards and school groups also start from here as well. Most of these new “pilgrims” are walking very fast, have clean clothes and clean shoes and very high spirits. You can totally tell the difference between them and people who have been walking the past 30+ days.

Several goats were feasting on the trees as we walked out of town.
It was a very beautiful walk through forests a lot of the day.
There were tons of villages along the trail today that gave more insight into the daily activities of people who live in the countryside. There were several dogs guarding their homes and there were also a lot of cows.
More bathroom funnies.
The path of the Camino is usually pointed out by yellow arrows or yellow concha shells. I loved this arrow so much.
The official 100 km marker. (62.137 miles left!). It’s a shame it is so vandalized.
There was.a fun scramble down the hill before we got to the river.
And there was a fun bell to ring before we crossed the bridge into town.
It wouldn’t be a Spanish town if there wasn’t a steep set of stairs to climb before getting into town.
In this case we had 2 sets of stairs! 😊
136 beds in one room!

I arrived in Portomarin pretty early and stayed at Albuergue Ferramenteiro. It has one big room that sleeps 130 people in one room. For an alburgue of this size, it is amazing how clean the facility and how kind the front desk staff was. Joanna and I had a lovely afternoon of drinks, food and laundry before heading back to our hostel for the night.