Today I started out walking along the river. About halfway thru the hike, it became very steep and we climbed to the very top of the valley. It was one of the steepest climbs to date but worth it for the views. It was mainly a dirt path and we hit some crazy mud as well because it had been raining. About halfway up the hill a dog came up behind me from out of nowhere and walked with me for about 10 minutes. There was no owner anywhere and we weren’t sure where he came from. I met up wtith some cows and also met up with Joe from Seattle. We walked together a bit and kept catching up to each other. He got bed bug bites so we stuck together to get him some medicine and make sure he was ok. (He was)
There were some storks hanging out on the hill. This turn right here was where it started the steep incline.
A lot of people take horses up the hill because it is so steep.Well hello perro from nowhere!! Show me the way!!
There was so much mud! This coffee shop oozed with love. Love for the neighbor’s daughter who adored the owner, love for the pilgrims who were tired from the steep climb, love for good music, love for life!
Made it to Galicia for the first time in 20 years. This would be the equivalent of returning to California after being out of the country for 20 years. It feels good to be home! This is my favorite couple on the Camino. Dadi and her boyfriend Misghana remind me of Howard and myself when we traveled around Australia. There is something special about travel during the initial stages of a relationship. I feel like you just know if it will work or not pretty quickly and as an outsider, their relationship appears to operate like a well oiled machine! I hope he earns the title of the official souvenir of this trip! Secondly, Dadi was the first one on the scene when I fell on the way to Molinseca and she was so kind and caring. Thirdly they are just a lot of fun!
I made it to O’Cebreiro, had a nice lunch, walked around the village a bit and checked into my room. I had a private room again and it was so nice.
View of the valley before mass. I know it’s probably not appropriate to snap a picture of the priest during the pilgrim mass. That said, a) it was a great mass that infused Spanish and English well. b) there was a great pilgrim blessing afterwards and c)tell me he doesnt look like Dr Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) from Greys Anatomy. Hubba Hubba. After mass I went to dinner with a group but only got a picture with Diana from Australia who I adore!
Walking back to my room I saw these amazing rainbows! It was absolutely beautiful.
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