Miles: 15.78/ Steps: 34,555
Todays Selfie


I made it to Leon very early in the day and got checked in. I had a private room and bathroom for 2 nights. I never realized how exciting it is to use a real towel when it’s been awhile since you have used one. The bathtub was tiny but I still enjoyed every minute of my soak!

Once I got settled, I met up with Nikki to have a wander.

I was so happy to meet up with my 3 Spanish Friends before they left to go home to Madrid. I didn’t know Nikki was taking pictures in the background but I am so glad she did!

We planned for a farewell lunch with Father Mark, Annie and Marie as they were going their different ways from Leon and it turned into quite the get together. Sonya, Lou, Sharon, and Sabina joined us as well! We ate at Ezequiel Calle Ancha and the food was GREAT!

I ended the night with a drink overlooking the cathedral and I ran into some friends along the way. Paul was my bunkmate the second night in Roncevalles and I sat with Sonia and Lou for dinner the first night in Orrison. I love how we run into people over and over when we least expect it. We all start out as strangers but really become friends and care about each other along the way. No one cares how much money a person has or what religion they believe in. We really just care about people as individuals.

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