Miles: 15.77/ Steps: 34,575
I didn’t sleep very well last night. My bladder knew how hard it was to get up and down from the bunk bed and decided to make me get up twice in the night to use the restroom. It was hard to get down in the daytime, so you can imagine the challenge of doing it in the dark. That, combined with a snoring roommate and a paper sheet that kept coming off the bed and I will admit there wasn’t much sleep happening last night. I couldn’t be grumpy for long because the sunrise was gorgeous and it was a new day! Breakfast was bread and jam and coffee but they didn’t provide cups and wanted you to drink the coffee out of bowls.

Someone recommended that I take a selfie each morning to see if there are any changes over the entirety of the Camino so here is todays!

I started at 7:30 this morning with an immediate incline today and it made me really nervous for the inclines that were to come. Viv and Brett stayed at Borda which was a km away (I wish I had too!) and I was excited to meet them so we could walk together. Sadly, I completely missed the sign for their hostel and just kept on walking past it. I didn’t realize I missed it for another mile and was so sad. The reason I missed them was because it was so so windy and honestly I had to put my head down to push thru it and never actually saw the sign for their hostel. To give an example of how windy it was….I kept hearing a high pitched whistling sound and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from until I realized the pack had a whistle and the wind was making it sing!

It was nice to turn the corner and see the food truck. Since breakfast was just bread with butter and jam, I was excited to be able to get a boiled egg and have some protein. It was here that I met Brian, a 69 year old retiree who had a big life decision to make while walking the Camino. It’s interesting to be an outsider and hear the entirety of someones situation. The decision I would choose if I were in his shoes felt so easy to decide but it wasn’t my weight to carry nor my place to tell him what I thought he should do. So, I listened and asked him questions to make him think of different perspectives. I hope to keep in touch to see what he decides.

I feel like I am in the Marriott compared to last night. The lady who checked me in was lovely and we really hit it off. Of course I had a rock for her. When I was being directed to the room, the hostess commented on how good these beds were. As I got to the room, we joked that it was the penthouse because every other floor had bunk beds. Showers and bathroom were great. You only got 30 second spurts of water but you could have as many as you wanted so I was good with that! The paper sheet fit the bed well too! It didn’t come off in the middle of the night a single time!

They don’t allow you to wear your shoes in the bedrooms so they are all stored near the entrance. I hope mine are there when I go down in the morning because so many people have the same shoe.

Savina has been my roommate every single night of the Camino so far. (Not planned) We are walking on a similar schedule so I think I will be seeing a lot of her during the walk. We went to the bar and ordered what we thought was cider and French fries. Instead we got fried potatoes with sauce which tasted great….something got lost in translation. Viv and Brett also met up at the bar as well. I was glad to see them because they were walking shorter distances and won’t be on the same trajectory anymore.

We stopped in the church as well. I think it’s impressive that the church’s technology is so advanced. 1 euro for 8 minutes of light in the church and a machine for debit card donations. I’m surprised all churches haven’t done this.

I shared dinner with these lovely sisters from England. We had a lovely meal and drink afterwards. We said our goodbyes and it was bedtime.
Foot update: big toe blister gone. I got a small blister under my pinky toe but am hoping it will be gone by morning. Aside from that all is good!
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