Miles: 14.19/Steps: 31,073
Todays Selfie!

I started the day with “see you laters” to Nikki and Annie and was on my way.
It was stunning to look at the cathedral on the walk out of town. I couldn’t stop thinking about the mass that took place inside of it last night and what other historic events have taken place inside.

I have completed 299 of 800 kilometers. The first third of the Camino is meant to be physically challenging, the second third of the Camino is meant to be more mentally challenging and the last third is meant to be spiritual. Let’s see how mental and spiritual I can get! Today starts the beginning of the mental section and is known as the Meseta. The Meseta is 180km of flat, hot shadeless fields, wide open skies and endless wheat fields between Burgos and Leon.

We saw tons of stork nests with their babies today. It is really difficult to get good pictures of them since they are on the top of buildings. This one was flying with their friend by the river.

I had a lot of reunions today! First was Sandy and Diane, the two ladies I shared a cab with from Pamplona to St Jean Pied de Port.

Then I ran into Lou and Sonia from the second night in Orisson and Jetti from a few nights ago.

Then I arrived at one of my most memorable churches and experiences of the Camino so far. I entered this church in Rabe de las Calzadas and there was a nun inside stamping Compostelas and blessing pilgrims She whole heartedly gave me a blessing for the Camino. She gave me the biggest hug and held on those extra few seconds which was everything I needed at that moment. She then gave me a necklace with a charm of Mary to protect me on the rest of The Way. It was just a lovely experience.

Some of the other pictures from the day:

I checked into the Hornillos Meeting Point hostel and was one of the first to arrive. Yay me! I would totally recommend this Albuergue! I got a bottom bunk with a cloth sheet and no one ended up sleeping above me. Woohoo! Ironically Orlando was my roommate and Eduardo stayed in the hostel as well! We had paella for our communal dinner which was amazing and then hung out drinking wine for awhile! I made friends with Sladiana and really hope we stay in touch!

All in all it was a great day!
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