Miles: 15.89/Steps: 34,796
Todays selfie!
39 degrees and windy!

The views for the morning were of mostly wheat and barley.

This tree was amazing! Firstly there weren’t many trees to be seen. Secondly, I don’t think my words can describe the noise the wind made blowing through its leaves. It was so loud and mesmerizing. I could hear it from far away and it was deafening when I was next to it. Thirdly….did I mention how windy it was?!

This fountain made me laugh for a couple of reasons. Firstly, who doesn’t love a fountain of a man holding his penis. Secondly, I don’t think I could honestly drink water that came out of a man’s penis even if it was a statue. Thirdly, it reminded me when I was much younger and went water fountain shopping for my mom with my dad for some gift giving holiday. We went to 10 different stores to look at fountains and most of them had the one with the boy peeing, mimicking the Mannekin Pis statue in Brussels. We laughed so hard about how mad mom would have been if we bought it for her and came close to doing it. If you know my mom, I am sure you can appreciate the giggle. Such a fun memory! In hindsight we should have bought 2. The boy peeing and then the real one….It would have been worth the effort.

I wasn’t expecting to see so many red poppies on the Camino. I’ve never heard them mentioned in any of the materials I researched but there were so many today. It was a sea of red and absolutely stunning!

I made it to my alburgue Albergue de Peregrinos Casa Nostra and had a single bed and a sheet! It was heavenly but the bed and floor squeeked so loudly and there was no heating so it was my coldest night yet. I guess you can’t have everything? I don’t think I would recommend this alburgue based on how cold the room was unless it was summertime. I honestly haven’t been that cold for a long long time. I should have realized when it was warmer outside than it was inside when I left for dinner.

We found a lovely pizza place! We had a great meal with some other pilgrims and called it an early night!
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