Miles: 18.39/Steps 40,260
Todays Selfie

I left before sunrise to be able to get to Burgos early. The sunrise was gorgeous!

The road was really rocky and hard on the feet and there were a couple of steep inclines but otherwise it was a good walk. There was a beautiful cross at the top of one of the hills.

I ran into Savina at breakfast today around mile 6 and we walked the rest of the way to Burgos together.

We did the river walk the last 5 miles which was beautiful but felt like it would never end.

I had a quick meet up with Ference and Nikki when I got into town because Ference was moving on and stuck around so we could say our goodbyes.

Nikki had rented an apartment in Burgos and invited myself and Annie to stay. Words can’t express the luxury of having a kitchen and private bathroom and sitting area. I took the loveliest bath and then went and got a massage. My body was really tired and appreciated the tlc. I am so appreciative of Nikki for sharing her space! It meant the world and seriously helped both my physical and mental state!
Nikki and Annie had cut up a lot of veggies for dinner and the plan was to come home, have dinner and then have a quiet night watching movies, doing face masks and relaxing.
We started with dinner.

Side note: Annie had met Father Mark from Australia earlier in the Camino. I am not sure if it’s a requirement of all priests or just a personal goal but he strived to say mass every single day.
Father Mark texted Annie and let her know that he was able to get a chamber in the Burgos Cathedral and he was starting at 6:00pm. We got our shoes on and ran/limped to the cathedral. He performed a private mass in Latin for 4 of us. It was really intimate and just amazing.

Afterwards, we invited him and Marie (his colleague) to come over to our house for dessert and wine. He had to make a stop before he could come over so we hurried home and had to clean up our dishes and laundry that was hanging up all over the house drying.

It was such a lovely evening with really engaging conversation. I would never have written that into a possibility of the script of what would happen on this trip but it was awe inspiring, refreshing and really special.
We ended the night with face masks after he left and had an amazing sleep with no snores or farting!
Wayne Harrell
What a wonderful trip!!