Miles: 16.69/Steps 36,542
Todays Selfie!

Directions were good today. Lots of arrows/shells pointing us in the right direction.

There was a lot of rain and some small hills but nothing crazy. There were several beautiful murals along the way and of course a fair share of cats and dogs.

It also was a day of reunions. I’m starting to get to know a lot of people on the same schedule that I am on and it’s nice to see familiar faces. I met up with Dee again at breakfast and then she was in my alburgue. I also saw Orlando from the Gran Canaries, and my bunkmate Paul from the second night in Roncesvalles. My Italian friend Eduardo from the last 2 miles into Logrono also stayed in my Alburgue and there were several others that I haven’t really mentioned here like Audre from Lithuania! I also ran into Efren Gonzalez on the trail. I have watched so many of his videos on YouTube. It was almost like meeting a Camino Celebrity. If you haven’t seen his videos you should check him out…. Click here to get to his home page on youtube.

The Alburgue Cuatro Cantones hostel was beautiful. It had a pool and a big yard and it’s own restaurant. There was a lot of charm and it was very pilgrim friendly. Every bed had its own outlet and light and clean cloth sheets!
What a difference a letter makes. Again.
I was trying to book the Hostel Victoria and booked the Hotel Victoria by mistake. When I was going thru my bookings I realized it was south of Madrid and was non refundable. Lucky for me, the hotel manager at Cuatro Catones called them for me and got them to reverse the charge. She was the loveliest person and so helpful!

The town had so many great Murals:

I decided to have a wander around the town. It was small but quaint.

I shared dinner with the Italian man (Edoardo) from the other day. Google translate was our friend and we made it work and it was really fun. After we finished the salad I realized that it had a bit of unexpected protein (an ant!). It’s ok! It didn’t eat much of the salad!
Big day tomorrow. 18 miles with rain and 2 big hills! Not sure that I have a reservation for a bed. Wish me luck!
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