Miles: 22.12/Steps: 48,434
Todays Selfie

Today was a looonnng day of walking. It was my longest day yet! My blisters are healing and there aren’t any new ones! It’s so nice to not have blister pain and to only have tired foot and leg pain! I’m so happy!

The first stop is always the most anticipated because it is the first coffee and the first food of the day. It’s such a relief when it is in your site! I was a bit confused and happy today when I realized I had walked a lot further than I thought I had by the time I stopped in Navarette (8 miles from start).
There was a lot going on today.

The sun came out and I ran into these two. They are two of the funniest people I have met on the Camino. I previously me them in Logrono while we were waiting to check into our alburgue. She is from Mexico (I can’t remember her name) and Orlando is from the Canary Islands. They only speak Spanish but they were super entertaining. We walked the last 6 miles together and I thank my lucky stars for them because it was a long day and they made me forget about how tired my feet and legs were! When I got to the alburgue (bottom bunk with paper sheet. $9) I had to just lay down for 30 minutes to give my body a chance to recover. I stayed at the El Peregrino Albergue and I felt like I walked into the set of a movie. Pink Floyd was blasting thru the sound system, incense was burning in the living space, the hotel manager was super chill and a bit goofy. I liked the vibe there and don’t quite understand how they survive on $9.00 per night. They did only have one plug for the entire room which was unfortunate but aside from that it was good. I was hungry and wanted to see the monastery so Irish Dee (who was staying at my albergue) and I “limped” into town. We toured the monastery and it was under renovation but had a lot of character. All the restaurants were closed because of siesta. We found a bar that reheated some meatballs for us and gave us some bread and wine and we were very happy with that. We could see this stork nest from our table. I don’t know what I was expecting for a stork’s nest but it certainly wasn’t this.

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