Miles: 18.84/Steps: 41,247
Todays Selfie:

I was unsure of my bed reservation status for today so started the day at 6am in the dark to try to get ahead of the crowds. The weather is still bad and we had rain. The trail had very goopy mud and was rocky so it wasn’t kind on the feet. That said we walked thru a lot of forests that were really pretty. Some were very dense.
Today there were also several small gifts that I have learned to appreciate so much while on the Camino. A random chair in the middle of nowhere to sit down and relax, beautiful doors, Bruce Springsteen videos playing in the bar while I was eating my lunch, painted wood trunks along the trail just to make us smile, dogs that like to be petted, Camino friends sending texts to check in and make sure all was good, seeing the village you are headed to when you crest the last hill, getting one of the last beds in the Alburgue even if it is a top bunk of a 36 person room with a paper sheet and a stool to help me getting down. It’s been a good but long day.

There were two really big hills today and some beautiful scenery. My mind goes to all sorts of random places when I’m walking up them. Today I saw the funny side of things! I know my days of being invited to work at the Playboy Mansion are over (is that even a thing anymore?) but I want to give a huge shoutout to all my single friends who go on hikes for a date. I can promise you that there is nothing sexy about me hiking uphill. (Maybe that is why H doesn’t like to hike with me?) I am literally gasping for air the entire way. I can’t possibly hold a conversation because that would consume the small amounts of air I am inhaling. I sweat like a pig so if I was wearing makeup it would be smeared all over my face. I am also not going to lie (sorry mom) but profanity might possibly come out of my mouth and that’s not sexy either. “How much f*ing longer does this hill have to go?” “Can this f*ing hill be any steeper?” “Are you f*ing kidding me?”
So kudos to all who are successful at hiking on dates! It’s a good thing I’m not single and needing to hike to pick up a mate! Poor Caitlyn. I literally had to end a call with her this morning because I was about to pass out from trying to not pant into the phone! Haha

The alburgue in Ages was ok. I stayed at the Albergue Municipal la Taberna de Ages . I got one of the last beds and felt lucky to have it as I had reserved it on Whatsapp but they didn’t have any record of it when I arrived. I dropped off my shoes and found my bunk bed. Top bunk. At least there was a paper sheet.

I ended the day with drinks in the bar with Irish Pat and then dinner in the restaurant with Dutch Inez. I was in bed before 9:00pm. Blisters are all healed. Feet can walk 10 miles with zero pain. At that point I stop every 2-3 miles for a stretch and a massage!

Tomorrow is a 14 mile hike, all downhill into Burgos where I will stay with Nikki. Her accommodation has a bathtub and I have never been more excited for anything!
Rain looks good on you girl…you are looking lean a la Parisian runway model! I am super proud of you and glad the next day is easier. Stay strong and the food looks amazing! Hugs!