Some stats for the Europe 2015 trip:

Miles traveled around Europe by train and car: 3,633 miles

Steps taken: 451,464

Miles walked: 206.25

Calories burned: 97,363

Flights of stairs climbed: 602

Countries visited: 11

Things I know:

Every traveler embarks on a trip like this with hopes to have unique experiences that are different from travelers exactly like them.  I think that we made a decent attempt of finding the middle ground of hitting the major tourist venues and also following the path least traveled. None of the trip was really planned out, and we kept an open mind on the things that we tried. Our trips to Australia and Spain were so integrated into the local culture that this trip seemed a bit removed.  That said, every single person (minus one Frenchman) we interacted with was friendly, personable and helpful. I truly believe people in general have good intentions.

You start each trip with a backpack of clean clothes, new toiletries and high hopes to have a a great adventure. I have learned that a minimalist life is completely rewarding and so much more enjoyable. You really have to take into consideration the actual worth of every item you bring on a trip like this. Many of the things I thought were important to bring really had no significance at all. Beauty products, shoes, clothes were all things I thought would be needed. Truth be told a lot of things were discarded or went unused. Toiletries were stretched further than they ever would be at home, showers were shorter, clothes were worn multiple times. I think Amazon profits will be declining in the future. I’ve purged 15 garbage bags of “stuff” since I’ve been home and it feels great!

I think it takes a trip like this to take in the environment, understand other people’s perspectives and help understand why I have the opinions that I have. It helps to open your mind to other lifestyles, view historical landmarks and see first hand how the past affects the future.

Although we did a lot of sight seeing, life was at a slower pace in so many ways. We didn’t rush thru our days but instead slowed down, enjoyed each others company, talked more, listened more, observed more and tasted more. We took long walks in parks, walked down small alleyways, found hidden coffee shops, smelled flowers, and played bouncy ball more in 28 days than we had in our whole lives prior. Life became less anxious,  much healthier and we laughed… a lot.

I look at Caitlyn and am in awe at her ability to travel, adapt to the changing environments, enjoy the small details, try new things and just be a happy spirited kid.

I look at H and am grateful for his patience, for his witty sense of humor, for his amazing navigational skills and for being such a perfect travel partner. He takes my  ideas and always figures out how to make them a reality. He takes the lead when I can be indecisive and sits back when I’m on a mission. Our foundation was built on a traveling adventure. It really is who we are. We do it well.

This trip was amazing. We are fortunate to have the ability at this stage in our life to take time off and see the world. We are a great traveling threesome. I can’t wait to do it again.