We woke up early and were greeted by H’s mom in the hotel lobby. Our hotel was in Slough which is where H’s parents lived in the early stages of their relationship over 50 years ago. On our way back to the Caravan park, she took us on the scenic route and told us stories and showed us landmarks of their courtship.
We got there and got the grand tour of caravan, hung out with the dogs and Cat helped Grandad around the site.
After a cup of tea we took the dogs for a walk along the River Thames. We were about 4 miles from Windsor and the houses were beautiful, the flowers were blossoming and the river had a steady flow of boats.
At times Freeway walked Cat but either way we all had a great time.
It was a short visit but we had to catch our flight so they drove us to the airport and we said our goodbyes. It was a lovely visit and really good that we had the chance to catch up.
We got thru security, popped into a restaurant and got some amazing fish and chips and toad in the hole.
Waiting to board our plane:
The plane took off and were on our way home. Goodbye Europe! Thanks for an amazing 28 days.
Final family portrait of the vacation at the baggage claim at Phoenix Airport. 28 days away and we are still smiling!
Patricia Gill
Our love and good wishes go with you to Peru, walking the Inca Trail to the ruins of Machu Picchu what an experience and making more wonderful memories. along the way.