1) After navigating the one way streets with crazy drivers, we finally arrived at the parking garage to drop off the rental car. Sadly for us, the entrance was blocked by not one…but 2 buses. We had to do the 5 mile navigation thru one way streets to get back to the parking garage. This took us 20 minutes.
2) Europe is short on space so parking garages are really small. There is rarely room to spare. Once we got into the garage we had to park on the 6th floor and drive up the spiral ramp. The steering wheel was almost completely locked the entire way up. This picture doesn’t give it justice.

3) The parking spaces are also tiny! H was having such a hard time parking the car in the space provided. A worker from a different car rental company actually came up to us and offered to help park! He got it in the spot without a problem. I just hope they move our car before the person next to us returns…they won’t be able to open the door.

4)  On the way to the hotel I almost ordered 6 Subway sandwiches when I tried to order a 6 inch sandwich for Cat.  A six inch sandwich doesn’t translate well in a country that doesn’t use inches. Note to self…15 centimeters = 6 inches.

5) We walked to our hotel to find this note:

Which would have been great if we had a phone! Thank goodness for the Best Western around the corner who called for us! That’s what we get for arriving after 7pm on a Sunday evening!

6) Our room was very clean but tiny. You could barely fit a 30 centimeter Subway sandwich between the wall and the bed. I feel like it was a competition to see how much furniture you can squeeze into such a small space.

7) H and I still needed to find dinner and walked past this place…

That is a combination of foods I wasn’t prepared to try.

8) Nice near the train station at dark was not the place to wander around. We saw several ladies of the night.

9)  We ended up at a small family run pizza place and got 2 pizzas to go. Only in Nice can you order a duck pizza. H said it was really good.

10) Dogs are king! We walked past 2 homeless people on the street. One with a dog and one without. I watched multiple people give the man with the dog money where no one gave the other person any.

11) Again, dogs are king. At the train station these dogs decided they wanted to sleep in the middle of the busy walkway. No one questioned it.

12) Train station bathrooms. They charged €1 ($1) each to use a bathroom with no toilet seat. Most places allow us to get 2 for the price of one as Cat is still little. This guy insisted that either Cat go by herself (down a flight of stairs and down a long hallway) or I pay as well. I paid….

13) The bakery near our hotel had awesome chocolate croissants and fresh sticks of bread that were still warm. That coupled with an excellent cafe latte makes all the other stuff fade away.